Picture overload of Maci Maureen
Maci all throughout 2 months old!
Your smile is sooooo contagious
You HARDLY cry/whine...
you are my perfect little healthy eater!
{You were only trying out your highchair..no baby food just yet!}
You recently learned how to hold
onto this monkey blanket Mimi got you
while you take your naps.
You found your hands a while back
and LOVE to put them in your mouth.
You especially love to suck your thumb!
You especially love to suck your thumb!

Being your mommy is the best thing
in the this whole world.
It's so easy to get you to smile...I love it!
You have the best smile...
& you smile with your eyes too!
So presh :)
You just started to grab for your
toys and put them to your mouth...
such a smart girl!
You are 12 weeks today and are as happy and healthy as can be!
I'll have some stats on your weight and height next week when your 3 months old.
{Geez, I can't believe you will be 3 months old next week!}
Last week you weighed 13 lbs and measured at 24 inches long.
Today, you actually rolled over by your self 3 times in a row...go girlfriend!
I tired to get it on video and of course when I pulled out my phone you just laid there lol
I will get a video soon!
Hope everyone has a great Monday!
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