Sunday, July 21, 2013

BIG news for Stulak crew....Baby 2...Pink or Blue?

If you follow me on Facebook you already know we are expecting baby #2! We are so excited and blessed to add another little one to our family! We are due January 5, 2014. What a perfect way to start the new year with our new addition! Stulak family of FOUR! I love the sound of that! 
Not going to lie though, the first trimester was not fun.Between the awful morning sickness and taking care of a 11 month old I was counting down the days of my first trimester. I had some sickness with Maci,but it was nothing like this time around. It was just awful! All is better now and I have my energy back to so that's a plus. I am dying to know if  Baby Stulak #2 is a boy or girl! Chris and I don't care what the baby is. Just a healthy baby is all we pray for. Most of my friends and a lot of our family think boy for some reason. I honestly have no clue. If we have a boy it will be awesome because we will have our set and most likely have just TWO kids. Chris will have his mini me and I will have my mini me. If we have a girl then that will be awesome too because Maci and her will be the bestest of friends, sharing each others clothes and secrets and of course the fighting that comes along with same sex siblings. How fun! Maci and baby #2 will be a little under 17 months apart and while I know that is so close is age I think it has it advantages for me and the hubs too! We can get all the diapers and formula out of the way and our bodies are so use to being up and getting stuff done around the house. Win Win..right? Our really good friend is throwing us a gender reveal when we do find out, which is in a couple weeks...hopefully! I have always wanted to do a gender reveal but when I was pregnant with Maci we had family out of town and I could not hold it in for 2 weeks. This time no one is going anywhere and we are having a gender reveal a las!! So far appointments have been nothing but good news for me and baby! 

Here are some snapshots about our big news!
 Our little peanut at 8 weeks
First trimester=DONE!
Checking in on baby #2. Such a sweet sound to my ears!

My next appointment is next week and I can't wait! 
Maybe we will know pink or blue ;)

Maci turned 10 months & 11 months!

It has been quite some time since I have been on here. My little wild one keeps me busy that's for sure. Daddy took her on a grocery store run so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me to blog about the happenings with our wee one. Maci girl turned 10 & 11 months since my last post. I can't believe our spunky little girl is almost ONE! 
 Month 10 was an exciting month because Maci decided to really crawl! Know I really have to keep my eye on her because she is everywhere! She always found ways to get around before but at 10 months she went full force and no one could stop her! That's my girl! 
Her personality shines everyday and by the time month 11 hit she was walking along furniture and walking with the help of her walker. 
Some other new and fun things Maci likes to do....

*She is very vocal and her vocabulary surprises us daily. She says dada, mama,hi,by,wa wa (water) dog, and she knows exactly where to go at my parents house to find their dog lol. She also says all done but more of like an "aww donn" when she finishes her food.  She created her own word though. Ta ka. Yes she will go around the house says ta ka ta ka ta ka..silly girl.
*She has always been a great sleeper since she was 2 weeks old. She now sleeps longer than ever before and has been since a little before 10 months old. We put her down at 8:30-9:00pm and she sleeps all night till 8:30-9:00am. It's absolutley amazing! Our families tell us how spoiled we are and I agree. I hope baby #2 take after Maci's sleeping habit.
*She puts herself to sleep too! I always rock her for a couple minutes because I just love to snuggle with her but the minute I lay her down she props right back up in her crib and has to watch me leave the room haha! I look at the video monitor and she is out in 5 to 10 minutes.
*She LOVES food! Even after Maci has indulged in her whole grilled cheese sandwich she reaches out for our food. Her favorite foods are yogurt, rice, noodles, mashed potatoes, goldfish, grilled cheese, waffles, Chick fil A chicken nuggets and popsicles. Girl loves her food haha
*She loves to laugh and it's so loud and cute!
*She has 6 teeth still and they are growing in big time. I love seeing those pearly whites.
*Chris gives Maci a bath every night. When he gets the tub ready she crawls right over and waits for the water to fill the tub. It's real cute.
*When Chris comes home from work Maci crawls so fast to him and crawls up his leg to give him kisses!

*She loves real babies and loves to get real close and play with them. I have no doubt she will be a great big sister. We were in Target the other day and she spotted a baby doll so we had to get it for her.
*She loves to give kisses on command. Ask her to give you a kiss but be ready because she GRABS your face to give you a big kiss on the cheeks!

*She loves her sippy cups too. She still gets a bottle at night but it's sippy cups during the day. She likes to play a game with her sippy cup. She has a sip and then she wants you to have a sip lol
*She LOVES LOVES LOVES my mother (her Mimi.) The minute she sees her she puts her arms right out for her and when we have to leave she cries a good while till we get in the car. Maci loves her Mimi :)
*She went to her first Sugar Land Skeeters game too! We went with my brother in law, sister in law, and niece. Maci loved it, but she was unsure of Swatson when he came to take a picture with her.

In just 3 week our precious girl will be ONE! I am so excited for her birthday party! It really is true when they say" The days are long, but the years are short." We cherish every day though because I know every year will just sneak up on us even earlier! 
Can't wait to celebrate our M&M turining the big ONE soon!
We love you dearly Maci Maureen <3