Monday, June 10, 2013

Maci turned 9 months!

Maci turned 9 months! OMG...I cant believe it. My baby is growing up before my very eyes! You are turning into such a little girl already. Here is a recap of month 9!

 Had your first snocone <3
we celebrated Mother's Day! How lucky am I?
 I get to wake up to this sweet face every morning :)
 You had your 9 month check up.
Weighing in at 21 lbs 9 ox & 28.5 inches long!

 Your doctor said you are healthy, solid and are very smart for your age! I agree :)
 You love your Jellycat Bunny! He is your snuggle buddy in the car.
 You LOVE to play peek a boo. 
In your crib, with a blanket,a pillow, you'll even use your pants to play haha

 You can stand by yourself if your holding on to something
You went to the pool for the very first time ever. 
You were a little unsure at first but once 
we were in you loved to splash and people watch lol

 You were "sick" for the first time ever! You has bronchitis
 but a little trip to the doctors for some antibiotics 
and you were on your way to getting better!

 You received a sweet get well present from your 
dear friend Emerson and his sweet momma Sarah.
You loved them. Thank you sweet friends for the adorable jammies :)

 Sweet cousins playing
 We celebrated Memorial Day. 
You looked so cute in your red white and blue!
 My little All American Girl!
 Maci with her Pappy
 Swinging at Mimi & Pappy's Memorial Day week end
 Messy eating resulted in a bath :)
You LOVE to clap. Its the cutest thing.

 The other day your dad and I were in the car with you and 
I started saying some of your favorite words. 
Your cute little self in the backseat repeating me. 
So I had to grab my phone and take a video of this cuteness.
 You are so smart and love to repeat us whether we are talking or doing something. When you drop something you put your hands on your head and go ohhhh. You wave hi and bye and of course say those words too. Along with dada and yeahhhh. You love to play with other kids and are fascinated by them. You love to walk around the entire house with the help of mom and dad. 
Month 9 has been so fun. It is proven that you are a 
vocal, social, and loud thriving little girl! We love you so sweet girl :)