Monday, April 29, 2013

Maci Maureen: 8 Months

Eight months already?!
 How did we get here? 

Every month is always fun but as the months go on you are even more fun! You have learned so much and you are a smart little cookie. You observe everything and use that little brain of yours like no other.  You have started to crawl somewhat...more of like an army crawl but backwards. 
All in all, you really have no desire to crawl and that's fine. I was never really a crawler either and pretty much went straight to walking my parents said. This month your favorite toy is your Leap frog musical table. You try your hardest to pull up but you still need help but once you're up you like to stand all on your own. 

This month you got your third tooth. One on the top. 
Honestly, I always just have to randomly check
 because you never really complain or cry.
You enjoy standing up in your crib every morning too screaming at the top of your lungs with a smile as big as Texas. On week ends daddy loves to go get you when you wake up and you seriously melt his heart. 
You love dogs and everyone of our family and friends have dogs so it works out. You get your dog fix haha This month you have learned to say doggie. It sound more like daa..ieeee. It's so cute because you get really excited and start bouncing up and down when you see a dog. Everyone keeps telling me we should get a dog but right now we are a-okay! 
You are OBSESSED with Mickey and MINNIE mouse. No really you are. When Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes out! You even have your own Mickey and Minnie dolls. People take note, never take away her Mickey and Minnie dolls lol
We went to our church bazaar this month. Mommy and daddy (who didn't know each other till after high school  went to the same church since they were babies up right up till high school (St. Theresa Catholic Church) We probably crossed paths not knowing. Now we get to bring our little girl to the church bazaar we grew up with. Same church we got married at too :)

You have always been a loud and vocal baby but this month you have managed to be extra loud and honestly, I  love it. Whether its eating out, grocery shopping, or going on shopping trips you are babbling away so loud. People are always coming up to us saying you are going such a  cute & lively little girl and I totally agree. You are such a ham and I know we will have our hands full with you(we already do) but I wouldn't have it any other way. You love to say dada, momma, and yeah lol. I'm enjoying all of the yeahs because soon I'm pretty sure your favorite word will be NO haha

We go to the park pretty often and 
take walks around the neighborhood 

How precious are these kiddos? They love each other

What a ham

Summer is right around the corner so we just had to squeeze you in a bikini 
since you are growing growing growing before our very eyes and this particular 
bathing suit wouldn't fit you come June!
My friend Ashley's little girl Ally turned one this 
month and we went to her birthday party. 

Ally is 1!

Photo dump of many faces of Maci Maureen

Eight months have come and gone and I cant wait
 to see what new tricks you'll be up too next month :)
We love you so much and I know we are going to blink and you will be ONE! 
I'm not ready for that ahhh!