Thursday, August 30, 2012

Little happenings around the Stulak casa

Being a mommy is such an amazing feeling and that is what I have been doing since August 13th & I love it! Maci is such a sweet little baby. I can't believe my baby is 2 1/2 weeks old already. I know I said in my last post I would be back to blog about her 1 week old birthday, but I was so busy last week with getting in the swing of things of taking care of her adorable little self and having friends/family come visit her/my birthday! Things have started to wind down and I am able to share some little happenings around The Stulak Casa :)
Family Photo
This whole week we have ran some sort of errand a day & she comes along with me! When people see her out they automatically ask "Aw how old is she?" I say "2 weeks!" They are amazed I have you out with me! I can't sit at home all day & still need to get stuff done. You're a trooper when we go out so it's a win win. Trust me I don't take you out for long periods of time though..You are still a newbie to momma :) 
This week we went to Babies R Us, the mall, doctor's appointments, couple of lunch dates with mommy & daddy, & trips to Mimi/Pap Pap's house and Grandpa & Nana's house.
Out to run errands with mommy & daddy
1 week old
with pap pap
with mimi
with grandpa & nana
Maci & Jake...Cousins :)
We went to the doctors on Monday and you little lady are growing like no other You went from 7lbs 5 oz at your 1 week appointment to a whopping 8 lbs 4 oz at 2 weeks..No starving over here! You also grew 1/2 inch since your birth <3 
at the doctors
I also need to mention you got your heel pricked and you didn't even cry or make a sound...your such a good little baby..We love you so much!
1st doctors visit
You love love love to eat! Sometimes you demand every 2 hours instead of 3 hours and you scarf your 4 oz serving down like no other! NOT KIDDING. 
1st bottle feeding w/ daddy 
not missing any meals here :)
We burp you in between feedings because you drink so fast that we don't want you to get gasys and boy do you get mad when we take that bottle away from you!  You're a very happy camper when we get that bottle back in your mouth haha 
You pick up your neck a lot when we burp you over our shoulder..I know you like to see what's around you! Such a strong girl
You are starting to wake up a lot more now during the day and sleep earlier for bed time.
Changing your diaper is always a challenge because your legs are super strong.. You have some leg muscles girly! Chris & I think she will be a soccer player
Look at those legs
You got your newborn photos done by the lovely Jadie last week and here is a little sneak peak of what's to come when we get the final photos! You did a good job Maci girl & thank you Jadie. You were great with her :)

We enjoy you every single day & everyday is new and exciting! We are so blessed to be called your parents and can't wait to watch you grow each and every day <3

Monday, August 20, 2012

Maci is here!!

It's been awhile since I have been on here and there is a reason for that! We had our baby girl last week :) My due date wasn't until August 17, but on Sunday night Maci decided it was time. I was getting ready for bed,which was around 10 o'clock and as I was brushing my teeth my water broke! I then let Chris know and we loaded up the car and headed to the hospital. The car ride over to the hospital was so surreal. We kept saying next time we come back home we will have our baby girl with us :) We called our parents to let them know what was going on and told them once we got to the hospital we would fill them in on the progress because let me tell ya it was definitely a longggg night of contractions! 
Once we got to the hospital we got settled right into our room and I got hooked up to my IV and monitor and I still didn't feel any contractions what so ever and it was going on 2 hours after my water had broke. The nurse checked me and I was still 1 cm dilated from my last appt with my doctor the previous week. Around 1:30am it was decided to give me Pitocin to help me start my contractions. I started to feel my contractions with in the next hours and boy did those hurt :/  I didn't get any sleep that night..maybe a total of 40 minutes so the morning time rolls around and I'm still only 1cm dilated!! You have got to be kidding me...with all these painful contractions and I'm STILL only 1 cm.
My doctor arrived that morning since she knew nothing would happen till about then anyways. Maci was still high up and I was going on 10+ hours of labor.. My doctor did a couple of other things to get me to dilate and still nothing. Maci was just being a little stubborn lady lol. Around 11 am it was then decided that a c section would be needed because my water had broke all on its own about 12 hours ago and it's not safe to have your baby in there for a long period of time after your water has broken because it could cause an infection to momma or baby.
Just like that it went from being in labor for 11 hours to we are having this baby in about an hour! We called our families and they came right over to the hospital. I was a little scared about getting a c section because I've never had a surgery...shoot I've never even had an IV in me before...but at this point I was willing to do anything to have this baby lol When the doctor pulled Maci out it was discovered that she was breech (feet first) Me and my doctor were amazed to find that out because the whole third trimester she was in the head down position and sometime within the five days leading up to my labor she had turned on us...little stinker ;)

Everything still went perfect & at 12:48PM, a very healthy Maci Maureen Stulak was born. 
 7lbs 7oz & 19 1/2 in long of pure perfection!

Chris & I became parents to a beautiful little angel. It was the best day of our lives.. Chris said right when they handed her to him she immediately had a firm grip on his finger with her tiny hand. Nothing compares to that feeling we felt that day of seeing our little angel baby for the first time and holding her! She truly bring so much joy to our lives :) I actually had a great recovery after my c section and the doctor was amazed as well. I was up and walking around the next day and we were able to leave hospital on Wednesday around 11am. Overall I had a great experience with my first pregnancy/delivery.

Going home day!

Maci did great on the way home. Although, I was a little scared to leave the hospital because she will be out in the outside world ..she managed to do great on the way home. She loves her car seat...didn't make a peep the whole ride home. 

The first night was actually pretty good. So far Maci is a easy wittle baby who LOVES her sleep. She could sleep all day long. I actually have to wake her up to feed her and change her but I'm not complaining because she gives her momma & daddy a good 2 sets of 4 hours sleep sessions throughout the night at least! Yay for 8 hours! Next post coming up is my baby girl who is 1 week old already!! I can't believe it!

Till then here are some photos of the the first couple days of Maci's life!
Fun little fact.: Maci actually looks like both of her parents...Chris' newborn pics and Maci's are very similar
She has her momma's cheeks and nose!!
Look at those chubby cheeks..Morrin cheeks for sure!
She is my little mini me in this crazy!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Time sure is flying

This week has honestly flown by, but that is probably because everyday I have been up to something. I can't just sit and do NOT me! Earlier this week Chris & I went on our weekly swim that we have taken on this summer. I invited my friend Jamie to come join us & we had a great time! Nothing like dipping in some cold water on a hot summer day :) It sort of saddens me that I wont be able to take Maci to the pool until next summer but don't worry..she already has so many swimsuits for next's a little bit ridiculous.

I also finished adding a few things to our hospital bags..I don't like to over pack, but at the same time I like the idea of knowing I have options so I'm sure there is something else I will probably add to our pile haha

How cute is Maci's monogrammed tote bag? 
{Cool Fact: Me & her have the same initials }

I couldn't help myself and had to order this cute hospital hat for baby M. Sarah, a fellow momma to a sweet baby boy had a cute post on her blog the other day for all things pink for girl moms. Here is the link if you want to check it out! {Think Pink for Girl Moms}
While I have some of those things already, the hat was the one thing that I just had to have. She is going to look adorable in that hat..I just know it. Thanks for the list Sarah!

We also got to see precious baby Jake this week! 
He is so stinkin cute & we love him so much

I got to spend some time with a dear friend who I haven't seen in a while cause of our conflicting schedules. It was nice to have a lunch date with her and catch up before baby M's arrival.

Me & Bridey

My brother turned 22 this week so we are going out to celebrate with him & the rest of the family. I honestly can't believe he is 22! You'll always be my wittle brother...Love you Bri Bri

Brother/Sister Love XOXO

I am officially 39 weeks so it's only appropriate to leave you with a bump pic of me and baby. 

Hope everyone has a great week end :)
Toddles <3

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Waiting Game

The time is almost here where Chris & I will become parents and we couldn't be any happier! Earlier this week we had our 37 week doctor's appointment. I was actually 37 weeks and 4 days at my appointment. These appointments leading up to the big day are very exciting because we get to find out the progress on baby M :) I had my last ultrasound done and she is weighing in at 6lbs super sweet doctor is projecting her to be close to or right at about 7 lbs! I can't wait to meet my sweet little one soon. She sure is a little wiggler every time the nurse gets her heartbeat. Chris & I love when we get to hear her is always a good and strong heartbeat{in the 150's}. I was 1 cm dilated at my last appointment so I wonder what my next appointment will be like. I know she will come when the time is right for her.. but that's doesn't mean we don't let her know how ready we are for her to arrive! I already know life is going to be beyond amazing the moment she enters this world and I can't wait to experience it. 

Here is a recent bump pic 
37 Weeks 5 Days

With that said, I am enjoying my time with Chris before our daughter enters the world. Chris actually has some vacation right now aside from his paternity leave once M arrives. We are having a great time relaxing, going to the pool, running errands, and just going out to do things with "just each other". Oh yeah and we are enjoying SLEEPING IN because once M is here we know it wont be like how it use to be lol 

Along with playing the waiting game we have been really busy with birthdays in the family happening and Maci's birthday is going to be added to our crazy summer birthday list too. I have my dads, moms, brothers, Chris, & my birthday all within 2 weeks of each other...YIKES! And that is just my side...Chris's family had quite a bit of summer birthdays too that we just celebrated

We celebrated my dad's birthday in July

We celebrated my mom's birthday right after

Brother's birthday is next week...wonder if Maci will want to share a bday with her "Uncle B" ;)

Maybe she will want to share it with her momma! I mean Maci's due date is exactly a week before my birthday... either way she is going to the best birthday present I will have ever received :)