Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pregnancy Highlights

Pregnancy Highlights of the Day
This was taken at my last week at work when I was 35 weeks
How Far Along: 36 Weeks 4 Days

Size of baby: A Watermelon! Definitely getting harder to get around these days!

Maternity Clothes: Dresses are my new best friend...with it being summer I have it pretty easy in not having to change my whole wardrobe to maternity clothes. Putting on a summer dress makes it easier for this momma-to-be.

Gender: GIRL! We had our last ultrasound appointment today before the big day and it is definitely confirmed that our little one is all GIRL!

Movement: Our baby girl moves around ALL THE TIME! I absolutely love it and in a weird way I will miss feeling those movements, but I know I will be way more excited to see her and hold her! She moves around so much you can see my stomach move around like a bunch of waves. It's amazing! Chris is always so amazed by it and I think it's the cutest thing to see him so excited! He is going to be a great dad :) Today at our ultrasound appointment it was confirmed that Maci is in the head down position which explains my ridiculous frequent bathroom trips and her back was facing outward and her face was facing inwards. No wonder I get these random poking out shapes around my belly...she is poking out her little tushy :) Since she was facing inwards we couldn't really get a view of her face...but that's okay because I know she just wants to make it a big surprise for when she decides to enter this world for her mommy and daddy.

Sleep: I am enjoying sleep for the most part. The only thing that is semi difficult when it comes to bed time is the bathroom trips I make through the night. She sure knows how to push on my bladder lol For the most part I am pretty comfortable if you don't steal my pillows from me ;) Pillows are this pregnant gals friend! With not working anymore, it works out really wells. I get to enjoy some nap time during the day.I can also sleep well knowing that I have our hospital bags packed and ready to go. The house is organized and ready for Maci to come home to. My mother has made meals that we are storing in the freezer and we can't thank her enough. They will come in handy for sure. Maci's nursery is completely finished and that makes me smile because I just want to sit back and enjoy the last couple weeks I get with the hubs before our lives change, in a good way of course!

What I miss: I currently don't miss anything.. but I will tell you what I'm glad has gone away..HEARTBURN! During this whole pregnancy, the only negative thing I have experienced is massive heartburn. Up until just last week my heartburn is not longer a problem. I mean this baby might come out looking like Rapunzel as much heartburn as I've had this whole pregnancy...lol Okay wait I lied...I do miss one thing..SUSHI! I am counting down the days till I can have me some atlantic rolls..yum.

Cravings: Grapes, Ice Cold Glasses of Water, Popsicles/Ice Cream...My doctor told me the other day that I am champ when it comes to maintaining good weight gain. She never has to get on me about if I gained too much or not enough..so that makes me happy when I still decided to indulge into a popsicle/ice cream on a hot summer day :)

Annoyances: Bathroom Trips...enough said!

With that said, I only have 3 more scheduled doctor appointments before little Maci makes her debut! She will then be partners in crime with this little fella. 
Welcome to the World Jake
My Sister In Law had her baby last week and he is the cutest little man ever! Welcome Baby Jake! We love you so much :)
Lilly is such a good big sister!
Holding Baby Jake for the first time!

It's baby fever over here...can't wait for my little one to be here too!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day...I think this little lady needs to go take a quick cat nap! 
Ta Ta for now :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Maternity Photos

I had my maternity photos done by a dear friend Jadie, who did a great job! Chris & I are very happy with them and are so glad she was there to help us create some of our first memories as a new soon to be family of 3! These photos were taken when I was 33 weeks pregnant and I thought I would share some ...Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nursery Debut

Today, Chris & I were able to put the finishing touches on our baby girl's nursery! We are ready for you Maci Maureen :) When we found out we were having a girl I immediately started brainstorming how I would want her room to look like. I without a doubt thought I was going to have a boy so I had a boy room picked out from head to toe in my head! Little did I know when we went in for the gender ultrasound I was wrong and Chris was right. {He thought it was going to be a girl the whole time} We were both very excited either or..just a healthy & happy baby :) Now I just had to really think because I wanted my baby girl's rooms to be special. We found out the gender at the end of March & today her room is officially ready for her! We went for a sophisticated/princess look & I have no doubt she will fit her room's theme =) Think PINK!
So without further ado... WaaLaa

Cant wait to bring her home to this

Her letters are actually painted with pink polka dots..
but you can't see with the reflection
This little girl is so spoiled..she literally has
 a wardrobe till  she is 2 yrs old..No lie!
She might grow up lovin shoes...just sayin
My mom made the bedding from scratch...
she did such a great job!

Now I can relax and just wait till she is ready to make her appearance...which I hope is soon! This whole heartburn thing is not letting up. Although, I shouldn't complain since this is the only negative side effect I have experienced this whole pregnancy. 

Until next time, later dolls :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Monday

Today I had some lunch/girl time with some dear friends! We had a great time and it was nice to catch up and see how everyone is doing. It's nice to know that even though we have busy/different schedules we can still sit down and have conversations like no time has passed. Between the laughing and serious conversations it's always fun when us three get together. Loves these ladies! Not much longer and I can have my little +1 join us once she arrives :)

Me, Crystal, & Jamie

Wowwzaaa, it sure is hot out today!! We have actually has a nice summer in good ole Texas this year. We've had lots of rain so that has helped out with not making days so hot {Unlike last summer with the drought}With me being 9 months preggers I have managed pretty well! Today is an exception though...it is 90 degrees out today but it feel like 100+ degrees. You know what that means...Pool Day!! Just waiting on the hubby to finish cutting the grass, then pool time it is :) I saw that Chick Fil A has brought back the peach milkshakes...this pregnant gal has died and gone to heaven! Looks like I will be making Chris make a pit stop to get me one before pool time! You should try it...If you love peaches I promise you won't be disappointed.

On that note, hope everyone has a Happy Monday loves!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My New Adventure =)

This week is my last week at my job before I start a new/exciting adventure of being a stay at home mommy to our daughter. I am very excited to take on my new role as a stay at home mom. I know I'll feel very grateful that I will able to spend my days with my peanut once she arrives. We owe it all to her daddy :) Love you babe!

I have been with with Hanger Clinic/Dynamic for 3 years and I have learned so much all thanks to my amazing co worker, Leslie.  She has taught me everything I know at that job and I can't thank her enough for being the best co worker ever! I will miss my Leslie, but I promise to make visits...I will just have a +1 with me :)
Leslie & Me
Yesterday, I had my doctor's appointment. I am 35 weeks and I can't believe that I only have 5 weeks left, maybe even less! Everything is going to right on track. Maci moves around so much in my tummy all day and I love it. If she is anything like she is inside my tummy I know I will definitely have my hands full! My days after this week will revolve around doing some finishing touches in the nursery and making sure we have everything in check before the big day! My ocd/organizing mode is in full swing these days..I know it can be too much sometimes, but in the end the hubby is happy and life is just easier!

I thought this was worth sharing. When my parents went up to Pittsburgh earlier this month to visit family they just couldn't resist on getting their granddaughter some Steeler gear for football season this year. I mean she will be here right when football starts so it only makes sense..Plus any excuse my mom has to buy her granddaughter something, she jumps on it lol

Here is her first Steelers outfit  that I know she will rock! 
Although Maci's momma is a Steeler fan..Her Daddy is HUGE Texans fan. A house divided for sure..we will have to let her decide when she is older. Until then, she will be sporting both teams :) Chris ordered her some onesies the other day and we received them this morning..along with some other baby Texan accessories. This house LOVES football so we are positive Maci will too!

Hope every has a great Wednesday...hang in there..it's almost the weekend :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Shower :)

I know my baby shower was a month ago but I thought I'd blog about it. I mean I do want to look back on all the special moments that have to do with Baby M :) The baby shower was June 2, 2012 and my mom and some of my mom's closest friends helped. It was such a nice afternoon with all our dear friends and family. Good food, good friends, good times! Here are some photos from a fun filled day of spoiling Maci...she doesn't even know how spoiled she is!


It was such a great afternoon and I'm so glad I got to spend it with my dear friends. Chris & I are so thankful for yall in our lives....Maci will be too!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Feels like yesterday...

                         October 22, 2011.. Just a little recap the HAPPIEST day of our lives!

I'm so glad I am able to call you mine!
Life doesn't get any better <3

And then there were three :)

Chris & I found out we were pregnant in December and I will never forget the day we found out. It was December 5, 2012. We had just got married on October 22, 2011 and knew we wanted children but we didn't expect it to be so soon after we got married! We were always the couple that was like "Um maybe in 2 years or so after marriage." Little did we know that wasn't the case, but when we received the news that we were expecting everything changed and we were beside ourselves so happy!! We keep it our little secret for a couple of days to have our own little excitement as a couple. That didn't last long because I was so excited that I just had to tell both of our parents. We told our parents a week after we found out and just kept it on the down low until the first trimester was over. Our families were so excited & it was such a great feeling to have their support and blessing as little person was starting to grow inside my belly! As the first trimester went on I didn't really have any "morning sickness" just a bunch of nausea spells that hit me mostly at night time. This let me to believe I was totally having a boy..Chris from the start thought "Its a Girl" & I thought "No, I think Boy" Lol.  We didn't care though, because all we prayed and still pray for is nothing more than a healthy child!

Here are some ultrasound pictures to leave you with of of our sweet little one!
 Tiny Footsies
 Profile Shot @ 24 weeks
    Smile for the camera!   

             These photos just melt my mommy-to-be heart and I could look at them over and over again :)