This week is my last week at my job before I start a new/exciting adventure of being a stay at home mommy to our daughter. I am very excited to take on my new role as a stay at home mom. I know I'll feel very grateful that I will able to spend my days with my peanut once she arrives. We owe it all to her daddy :) Love you babe!
I have been with with Hanger Clinic/Dynamic for 3 years and I have learned so much all thanks to my amazing co worker, Leslie.
She has taught me everything I know at that job and I can't thank her enough for being the best co worker ever! I will miss my Leslie, but I promise to make visits...I will just have a +1 with me :)
Leslie & Me |
Yesterday, I had my doctor's appointment. I am 35 weeks and I can't believe that I only have 5 weeks left, maybe even less! Everything is going to right on track. Maci moves around so much in my tummy all day and I love it. If she is anything like she is inside my tummy I know I will definitely have my hands full! My days after this week will revolve around doing some finishing touches in the nursery and making sure we have everything in check before the big day! My ocd/organizing mode is in full swing these days..I know it can be too much sometimes, but in the end the hubby is happy and life is just easier!
I thought this was worth sharing. When my parents went up to Pittsburgh earlier this month to visit family they just couldn't resist on getting their granddaughter some Steeler gear for football season this year. I mean she will be here right when football starts so it only makes sense..Plus any excuse my mom has to buy her granddaughter something, she jumps on it lol
Here is her first Steelers outfit that I know she will rock!
Although Maci's momma is a Steeler fan..Her Daddy is HUGE Texans fan. A house divided for sure..we will have to let her decide when she is older. Until then, she will be sporting both teams :) Chris ordered her some onesies the other day and we received them this morning..along with some other baby Texan accessories. This house LOVES football so we are positive Maci will too!
Hope every has a great Wednesday...hang in's almost the weekend :)
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