Wednesday, September 5, 2012

3 Weeks Old :)

The days definitely go by so fast when you have a little one to take care of. Maci, you have been a  wonderful & happy baby since you have came in to our lives. 
You sleep & EAT well! You are certainly not missing any meals. You are now 9 lbs 1 oz at 3 weeks! Feeding you is always a joy to watch. You make the funniest facial expressions and when I burp you in between feedings you get soooo mad when that bottle is not in your mouth. It's like watch out girlfriend! 
You go through a least 3 outfits a day but it's okay because we love putting on different cute outfits on you. 
You are becoming more and more alert as you are now 3 weeks old! You move your head & neck around to see all your surroundings and it's so much fun to watch how you much you are already changing. You enjoy being held & this momma is a okay with that because she never wants to put you down!
When daddy is off he gets up with you in the mornings so mommy can sleep in a little bit longer and you are so content with your dad <<<love this! I can already tell you will be a daddy's girl. He can calm you down in a matter of seconds.
You have managed to put yourself on a very easy feeding/sleeping schedule. You typically eat every 3-4 hours. Our days are pretty much like this >> Eat at 6:00am,9:00am,12:00pm, 3:00pm, 6:00pm, bath time around 8:00pm-8:30pm, 9:00pm feeding and then get settled into bed. You LOVE sleep so when you go down for bed you are starting to sleep for a good 5 hour stretch. 
You make little noises at night to let us know you need to be changed or hungry. You are such a doll and such a good baby. You are very content with hanging out in your pack in play, bouncy, or swing and looking around. In fact, as I am typing this you daddy is watching TV and you are in your swing just observing your surroundings :) 
Your umbilical cord fell off the morning of your newborn photo shoot {you were almost 2 weeks old} ironic so now mommy and daddy give you real baths! You still don't like bath time..well let me back that up. You cry right when you touch the water and then are good for about a minute...but let me get this out HATE when your head gets wet! 
Here you are at 3 weeks old my little angel! 
{you were in this outfit for a total of 10 minutes before you had a blowout lol]
Love you sweet girl! 

Hope everyone has a great hump day :)

1 comment:

  1. What a princess! Glad she is sleeping so well for y'all. :)
