I can not believe it has been a little over a year since I last blogged! Some much has changed since last September. Sine then, we have added to our crew. Brady Christopher Stulak came into this world December 29th, 2013. He decided to come two weeks early on his own. Honestly, I was in excruciating pain on Christmas day to the point where I couldn't stand up and had horrible back labor. I ending up holding out and 4 days later my water broke! He was the perfect gift to our family. We were able to start the new year with our new addition. I can't believe he will be one in just a couple of months! Time flies when your having fun...oh yeah and real busy. Having two kids under two for 6 months and now having then BOTH mobile can make your day seem long and tiring. It is also the best feeling and I wouldn't trade it. I love being a mom. I truly feel it's what I was meant to be. The kids are taking their nap so I feel like I could make the time and keep my promise to at least blog once a week. I love looking back on our memories. I did this with Maci and her first year and I am so glad I did. I have gone back on plenty of occasions to reminisce about our life with our little lady.

She also has a strong love for her bitty brother. Although it might not look like it when she tries to sit on top of him or think he is a horse and she can ride him. She really does love him. Every morning she calls for him since she wakes up a little before him. It's so cute to see the bond they share. I hope they never lose that.

I always pictured myself having nothing but daughters but I am totally a fan of boys. I love my girly girl more than words can say. There will always be a special bond a mother has with her son. Just like I know there is special bond with a father and his daughter. I never had Maci attached to me like the way Brady is. He likes to be able to see me from wherever he is at. It use to make things such a challenge but when he started to crawl around 7 months it made things so much easier.
Brady's personality since the day he was born has been much more on the chill side. He reminds me so much of his father. If you know my husband you know that he is a very relaxed, go with the flow kind of guy. Brady is just the same.

He is very clingy to me but I know it is just a stage thing that some babies go through. One day they wont want us as much so I treasure those moments!
Brady is 10.5 months old now and has 8 teeth. Weighing in at 20 lbs and 29 inches give or take. He is the 50th percentile for weight and height. Still rocking the no hair in the front, party in the back look and has some big blue eyes that make me melt.

He loves to feed himself anything that we pretty much eat but still get the occasional baby food to make sure he is getting the right about of nutrients. He can walk around the house with him push walker and walks along furniture. He can wave hi/bye and give kisses on command. Just the other day he learn to grab his toy phone and when we say hello he puts it up to his ear. He is into EVERYTHING and will try to get to anything even if it results in a little battle wound. He has so much energy and isn't afraid to lay in the dirt or even eat grass. Yup, those two have already happened! I love that he is already living up the the "all boy thing."Gahhhh, I swear I gave birth to him yesterday now I am starting to plan his 1st birthday!! I thank God everyday for our two healthy babies and love how they fit perfectly in to our crazy beautiful life.
The holidays are coming up and I can't wait to enjoy it as a family of four. Bring on the cold weather, hot chocolate, cozy sweaters, and Christmas music and Brady's first birthday! It really is the most wonderful time of the year :)