Monday, December 31, 2012

Maci turned 4 months old!

Happy 4 months to a special little lady!
You turned 4 months on 12/13/12 :)

This month was full of lots of first for you Maci Maureen.
You are actually not that little anymore. We went to your 4 month check up and you weighed
 16 lbs (92 percentile) & 24 1/3 inches (62 percentile) long. 
Size 3 diapers 
Size 6-9 month clothes 


 Playing at Mimi & Paps

 You found your feet this month!

You started sleeping in your crib the day you turned 4 months old. I always knew you would do good. It was just your mommy that wanted you close to her. You slept great before and you sleep great know You go to bed around 10:30-11:00 pm every night and typically wake up around 5 or 6 am for a quick bottle.. You go right back to sleep and we both seem to wake up around 10 am. Some nights you wake up around 2 or 3 am and think it's a party and start talking to your self but within 10 mins you are right back to sleep. It pretty funny watching you on the monitor though haha.
You drool constantly so that explains why you are always in a bib. You get fussy here and there but you love to chew on your Sophie or teething ring. I'm pretty sure teething is starting to take over but you seem to find ways to help those gums of yours not suffer as much! Some nights are not as fun so we give you teething tablets and boy are those magic!
You started Rice cereal at the beginning of the month and towards the end you started on baby food too! You  have a great appetite ..obviously! And there is really nothing you don't like. I guess if anything you don't care for apples. As for squash, carrots,sweet potatoes, peaches,pears, & bananas...well you LOVE em! You get really excited when put you in your highchair and you see us getting your food is so cute. When you you eat you lean forward with your arms open wide...its darling. I should really get it on video. For know here is one of you when you first started rice cereal.

You started to sit up all by your self for short periods of time and by the end of the month you mastered to sit up for very long periods of time. You have this little toy that spits out balls when you pull the hand and your daddy & I showed you how to operate it and after a couple of days you managed to do it all by yourself. You are such a smart cookie! Baby genius :)

You have moved up to riding in shopping carts and sitting in highchairs when we go out and you love it, so does mom and dad. You get to see your surroundings better and every time we got out people are always coming up to us saying how cute you are and you start talking to them and giving them lots of smiles. No matter where we go you start to get very comfortable and babble away. A lot of times its very LOUD and the adults have to put their conversations on hold until you are done, but we are all OKAY with that!

You love people, but when you are handed to anyone who is not mom, dad or Mimi (my mom) you make sure your look around for us to see if we are still's pretty cute! I must say you are getting better at letting other people hold you. You went through this phase for about a month, but that is slowly subsiding!

Your jumper is your favorite thing to do right now! Everyone has so much fun watching you have fun in it. Seriously this girl gets out of control on her jumper.

At the end of this month we have started to noticed that you are trying to pull those little legs under your bum. Oh no, we might have crawler sooner than later! I'm not ready for you to be mobile! I know babies move at their own pace but you seem to be surprising us left and right! Slow down girly.

This month has been one of the most fun so far. You are getting so big and have learned so much this past month. We love you so much & are ready for 2013 has in store for us!

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